Step 1 - The Agora of Athens

These ruins, located in the heart of modern Athens, were once the site of the marketplace in ancient times, a political, cultural and economic center of the ancient world.
Step 2 – The Temple of Hephaestus

The Temple of Hephaestus in Athens is among the best-preserved ancient temples in Greece. It was dedicated to Hephaestus, the Olympian god of fire.
Step 3 – The Hill of Pnyx

The Earliest Podium of Democracy. This hill has served as a place of worship since prehistoric times and on top of it the ancient Athenians raised the Tribune of their Public Assembly following the abolition of royalty.
Step 4 – Prison of Socrates

This rock cave, its entrance covered with iron bars, is believed by many to be where Socrates spent his final hours before drinking the fatal poison.