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Image of the Pnyx Hill

At the Landmarks of the Athenian Democracy

Icon 1 4 Hours
Icon 2 Ancient agora of Athens, Hill of Pnyx, Socrates prison
Icon 3 Private
Icon 4 Contact for more info

What makes this tour unique

Visit the ancient agora of Athens, the heart of the ancient city on a political, economic and cultural level. Walk on the paths of philosophers and thinkers. Visit the temple of Hephaestus, god of fire and metallurgy, the best preserved temple of antiquity. Climb the Pnyx hill, the beginning of democracy. Climb to the podium of the political leaders of Ancient Athens, such as the statesman Pericles and the orator Demosthenes. Discuss the principles of Athenian democracy and discover its impact on today. For last, stop at the "prison of Socrates" and feel the greatness and tragedy of this great and influential philosopher.

Step 1 - The Agora of Athens
Image of the Ancient Agora

These ruins, located in the heart of modern Athens, were once the site of the marketplace in ancient times, a political, cultural and economic center of the ancient world.

Step 2 – The Temple of Hephaestus
Image of the Temple of Hephaestus

The Temple of Hephaestus in Athens is among the best-preserved ancient temples in Greece. It was dedicated to Hephaestus, the Olympian god of fire.

Step 3 – The Hill of Pnyx
Image of the Pnyx Hill

The Earliest Podium of Democracy. This hill has served as a place of worship since prehistoric times and on top of it the ancient Athenians raised the Tribune of their Public Assembly following the abolition of royalty.

Step 4 – Prison of Socrates
Image of Socrates' Prison

This rock cave, its entrance covered with iron bars, is believed by many to be where Socrates spent his final hours before drinking the fatal poison.


Departure Location
Monastiraki square,outside of metro station Monastiraki, next to the flea market main entrance.

Return Location
Acropolis Parking Lot, Zonars Restaurant.

Additional Information
  • Language:


  • Meeting time:

    To be confirmed

  • Transportation:


  • Cancellation Policy:

    Less than 72 hours (3 days) notice: full fee of cancelled tour payable.

Price does not include
Tickets to the attractions

In case of any stroller or wheelchair, please let me know.

Ancient agora:

10 € full ticket
Reduced 5 € for visitors between 6 to 25 years old
Free: EU visitors up to 25 years old
You can buy the Ancient agora ticket online here.

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